I just bought a server from here a few minutes ago. I purchased the basic plan, and I am using Spigot 1.8.8. In multicraft it says that the server is up, and in the console everything seems to be fine. But when I go to connect to the server via the ip that it gave me in multicraft AND the subdomain I picked, I instantly get "Failed to connect to the server - java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused:". Can someone please tell me a way to fix this? I attached a screenshot as well. Thanks.
UPDATE!! I solved the problem on my own. The answer was more obvious than I thought! I forgot to add "PORTNUMBER)" (ex. jf3.multicraft.net:39201) after the IP address for the ip on multicraft, and I put in the wrong port for the subdomain, hence why both won't work. So I added the port that it gave me on the multicraft control panel and all is well. Hopefully I help someone who ran into the same issue!