I need help with multiverse or multiworld plugin. and help with making a faction world,plotme world,hungar games world,spleef world, etc..... I'll give you the server ip if you will help me. but im not posting the ip on here publicly .
What part do you need help with? Multiverse/Multiworld shouldn't be too hard to install and use. Take a look at the documentation if you haven't already, which will help you a lot. Personally I think Multiverse is easier to use since it's a lot more documented, but it really depends on the user.
Insta Installing the plugin is ok but creating the other worlds and setting the portals up to them and then making the portals work for non ranked players.
I've tried both but they confuse the crap outa me. But id go for multiverse. Like you said its more documented and more reliable i think. So yes multiverse.
For creating a world, the base command is: Code: /mv create {NAME} {ENV} [-s SEED] [-g GENERATOR[:ID]] [-t TYPE] [-a true|false] Usually [-s SEED], [-g GENERATOR[:ID]], [-t TYPE], [-a true|false] are not used, but may be required for other purposes. To make a separate world just for factions, hunger games, spleef, etc., use the command: Code: /mv create {world_name} NORMAL PlotMe requires custom world generation, so it is a bit different: Code: /mv create {world_name} normal -g PlotMe For portals, you need an additional plugin, Multiverse-Portals. To create the portals, the Multiverse-Potals wiki explains it pretty well. To allow everyone to use the portals, add the permission node multiverse.portal.access.(portal_name) to the default group. If you want a certain group to not be able to use a specific portal, negate the permission node in the group.