Me and my friends are playing on a server and we are repeatedly being kicked and banned by operators, it is none of us, he greifed, and it isn't stopping. Is there any way I can get help? It is on a HostHorde server.
Sorry, I don't think there's anything anyone but the server operators can do. It doesn't sound like a fun server if the operators are abusing their powers. Also, who griefed? You said "It is none of us, he griefed". Who's 'he'?
An Operator, or atleast, we think he is an operator. We do not know if it is a hacker or what. But the name doesn't appear in tab, and we are getting banned kicked and greifed...
If that has never happened when you were playing on that server before, it's probably a hacker. I would say if there is a website for the server, you should probably ask there or contact one of the other operators.
The Server is very new, it has only been going for no more than 3 days, and it has been happening for 2 days... He calls himself HostHorde, but he might be a hacker, idk, is there anything we can do...
I think the only thing you can do now is wait and see if he is caught and banned from the server (If that's even possible). Other than that, there really isn't anything. I'd say just move on to another server if the problem continues.