i bought the starter plan and i created an account but when i singed in the multicraft but it didnt work but when i did reset it said there is no account so i created an account and then i created it didnt have my servers on it that i bought and by the way i dont understand why the product i bought says - FRAUD its not actived please help me
Hello hopefully I can help I also just bought a plan, the unlimited one though (will not make a difference) I actually was having problems logging into multicraft at first because i was thinking that the multicraft password was the one i used for the hosthorde client area (where you would pay your bill etc, there is a link into the multicraft somewhere here as well but the login info you created when making your hosthorde account is not the info you need to log into multicraft) What you should have received was a few emails, The email titled New Minecraft Server Information you should have received it shortly after purchase (a few min at most) Server Details ============================= HostHorde Unlimited Plan Server Address: s48.hosthorde.com:26281 Control Panel Access ============================= Control Panel: http://mc.hosthorde.com Username: Xandread_x Password: (leaving blank for obvious reasons) This email will list the login, there's no need to manually make a multicraft account. If your using the info from this email and its still not working i highly recommend you make a support ticket in your hosthorde client area. BTW i made a forum account to help you specifically, hope all works out for you. the forums seem kinda dead here, but i really don't know.
If that's the case try and get a hold of the support through the live chat, if not id submit a ticket right away, because without that email theres not much you can do. let me know how it goes.