HostHorde Subdomain Blacklisted

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Drager_, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. Drager_

    Drager_ New Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hello! So I use HostHordes free subdomain because it's fast and easy and works great BUT recently Mojang blacklisted *.Mc-Srv.Com which is one of HostHordes subdomains this happened because I broke the EULA or at least I think I did Mojang never contacted me they just did it. Am not sure what to do now because I already bought things like animated banners and I don't wanna have to buy another one.

    P.S: I don't use HostHorde has a host I am using another server host provider which I will not say because I don't wanna get in trouble.

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