Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows how to update the servers so we can run the latest version of Minecraft (1.9)out today. ??? I have a survival server I have ran forever and can't stomach losing what I've made or not being able to evolve it to the new version of the game. I'm really excited to update it but have no idea how I can or when I can. Please any input at all would mean the world to me.
Unfortunatly, I do not know how to update it or anything, but I do know that most servers do a reset. An old server I was staff on would reset the sever with every big update. I do believe there is a way you can update it without having to change anything. Just hang tight while a professional replies to you. Hope it helped, CamIsADuck P.S. Do not hesitate to ask me any questions. I am here to answer them. Good luck!
I am willing to start it up as 1.9 again... then just load the main world. I am ok with the Nether Reseting and The End needs to be new anyways. Then I use McMMo and I think there is a way to add the levels back since I am over lvl 700 on somethings. I have already backed up my world. It's a realistic survival world that is something else to say the least. I just want a way to update the world so I can use it with shields, capes, new potions and the new end. But same map... Thanks for replying.
No problem, I understand your reasoning for wanting to keep the map. Like I said, wait a bit before completely resetting the map. We should play together sometime.
I got the new Spigot 1.9 file. The map is trasfered. Used the new End map with the update and so on. Most of my bukkit plugins work (like 2 or 3) but one... the important one McMMo!!! I am hoping to wait and they update there file. I can just use commands to give myself back my levels I guess... as well the game won't let me craft the new arrows with this spigot... so idk. Just a waiting game now.
If u do a backup of ur map and then upgrade your server you can then click restore under the backup page. Hope this helps in the future. I just upgraded too and that is how I did it
So just to clarify, How can I safely upgrade to 1.9? Replace the 1.8 Spigot JAR with the 1.9 JAR? Will this reset my overworld/plugins etc? (Obviously I will reset End and Nether) What will happen to the plugins/configs? Will that data be reset? Thanks!
U replace spigot 1.8.whatever u have with spigot 1.9. IMPORTANT do a backup of ur mao first. It will reset yr map so after u upgrade do restore. Go to backup then restore. Ur plugins I THINK will be reset. Not 100% sure on that 1. Hope this helped
I have my world working in 1.9 I updated from Craftbuckit to Spigot1.9a But I still can't get mcMMo to work? I really need it on my server... As far as I can tell mcMMo has been updated... but hasn't on the craftbukkit list on hosthorde. So if I pay for the new mcMMo file which is $10.60 how do I add it to hostehorde to get it to work???
You would need to upload the plugin to the "plugins" folder on your server via FTP. You can find more information here: https://www.hosthorde.com/forums/resources/installing-bukkit-plugins.58/
Yeah I had tried that threw FileZilla.... was installed but not working. Then I changed it to the newer spigot jar and finally working. Everything is updated. Can't lose my server lol... my world is top notch. Survival world that is huge. The hours of mining and building are huge. And honestly it's built for realism and quite good looking.
So if I was to get a server would it come loaded with 1.9 or would I have t select the type? I am asking because this is going to be very new to me, and I want to know more before I get myself into something. I want to give this a shot but I'm worried I don't knew enough.