Hello, My server has been down for a week and nobody can log on. It wont even say Logging in... or anything. It says in the server list that the internet isn't connected but that's not true. I dont know what to do and I'm pretty new to this website. can you help me out? ? -Hare
What do Iog in with, nothing seems to work and the status page says things are fine...now when I try to get on it says java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: Sowwy, I new at dis
Login information should have been sent to you via email. If you haven't already, set eula to true in your server.properties. https://www.hosthorde.com/forums/resources/minecraft-eula.79/
I was talking to a live chat person and then the call got cut off. I was left trying to reset my password but the Email isn't going through,