Hello. I'm just starting off looking at picking a host for a family minecraft server and HostHorde looks pretty good so far. But I have some questions before I move forward. First off, my players are all located in New York state east of the Hudson River. I'm not sure how important it is to have the host's hardware in close proximity, but having experienced some remote access issues cross-country in the past, I'd like to minimize the potential for the world to go down because of a thunderstorm in Tulsa. Where are HostHorde's the servers located? Is location really an issue? It doesn't seem like it really is. This is more of a curiosity on my part. It won't make or break the decision to go with HordeHost. Second, we will have, at most, 6 total players. We're really small peanuts and will only be running a single vanilla game world. I don't see us having colossal memory demands, but I do have one concern. That is that we'd like to use a single-player world that we have been playing periodically for quite some time by LAN. Is it possible to turn a single-player LAN world into a multi-player server world? This is a top priority for us. The save directory for that world is presently 710GB. We aren't sure if that size is an issue, but it's the largest world we have and don't have much to compare it to. It seems big to me, my brothers and the kids. Is this world inordinately large? Will this require any significant account upgrades from a Starter Plan? I know it will probably take a long time to upload the world, but I'm willing to get it done. Any help with answering these questions would be greatly appreciated. If we can use this world it's pretty certain we'll be going with HordeHost. Thanks.
You can check where HostHorde's servers are located here: https://www.hosthorde.com/forums/resources/where-are-the-hosthorde-servers-located.27/ Location won't really matter unless you want a lower latency. For example, if your server was located in Seattle and you were located in New York (or vice versa), you would get around a 40ms ping added to your trip if your server wasn't located in your local area. This doesn't really matter that much unless you're running proxy servers which is most likely not the case. Personally, I am located in the west coast of US, and I have a test VPS located in Italy running some random test minecraft servers. The ping really isn't that noticeable, but sometimes it does have a bit of a delay. Changing a singleplayer world to a multiplayer world is simply just uploading the map directory, you can find more information about that here: https://www.hosthorde.com/forums/resources/uploading-an-existing-map-to-your-server.29/ The start plan is limited to 5GB, which your world folder definitely exceeds. I can't really tell if that is a typo or not, but if it isn't, there is most likely something wrong with your world. A map around 36,000x36,000 would take up around 50GB, and your world is well above that. Only the Unlimited plan would allow larger maps, but with your world's files, that's nearly a terabyte and would most likely create problems.
Thanks DtigerCSK, for the great answers and links! I greatly appreciate the time and assistance. Yes, I meant MB, not GB regarding world size. I can't believe I made that mistake. You can tell I'm a novice at this. So, it looks like 5GB is more than sufficient for the world save. I know the kids are super excited (and so are the adults) to be able to play together online. I guess I have some work to do to get things started now.
mabreimer, you may also want look at setup whitelist. Else some random person could join and grief your server. See the resources section for more information.