Yeah I think it's unfair for new people to buy it for a cheaper price, so is there a code to make it the same price as them.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think when you get an invoice to prolong your Unlimited Plan, it should cost only 20$, you'll be paying the same price as everyone else. On the other hand, I bough the Pro Plan when it was 20$, and now it's 15$, so it'd be cool if previous plan owners got a code or a price reduction when paying an invoice. (To compensate for a current, cheaper price.)
The unlimited plan likely won't be staying at $19.95/mo (limited time offer). However, while it's at this price point, you can submit a ticket at and request the lower pricing.
That's awesome that you guys have reduced the price. It was already an amazing deal, and now it's even better! Thanks Hosthorde!
So if I would switch to the Unlimited Plan now, while it's 20$, would that mean I'd have to pay only 20$ for it even if the price went up?
Yes, that is correct. I'm pretty sure that would be breaking a few rules/laws if they were to force a higher price on you when you already agreed to a different price. Even if it were legal, it would certainly be a poor business choice to scare away any loyal clients, for fear of being suddenly charged more against you initial agreement.
Yes, that would be a poor business decision, but for the time I've been with HostHorde, everything was great and support is concise and lightning fast. So I'll probably end up upgrading to the unlimited plan, as it's an amazing oppurtunity to miss out on!
Yup. I've had the unlimited plan since day 1 with Hosthorde and have never regretted it, but I have upgraded with each plan. I have another inactive plan that is still registered with the old Legacy plan from when I originally joined Hosthorde. Business models always change, but you can't change what somebody already payed for. I've had to deal with the same thing with my server ranks. I've modified my ranks over time, but despite that we've removed a couple perks from a certain rank, we added those perms to the specific players who had purchased the rank prior to the change. It's just good customer service, imo.