What is HostHorde doing to stay competitive?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KaitoX, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. KaitoX

    KaitoX New Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    So, I've used Hosthorde and ONLY Hosthorde for, well, coming up on 5 years next month. I have not had a minecraft server up for that whole 5 years but every time I do it's always Hosthorde. I've referred dozens of friends and not-so-friends to Hosthorde. Hell if they had a better referral program I'd never pay a server bill ever again.

    At the beginning of this month I had to close my server. It was due to only be down for about a week, my debit card got stolen and I was going to miss a payment. So I figured that was a good opening as any to do some updates and changes to the server then come back in a week. But when I came back I noticed there was a significant jump in prices all of a sudden.

    Now, my question is what new features are we getting to justify a roughly 40% jump in prices? If anything it seems to be Hosthorde has gotten weaker over the years. I remember on one server a whole back just to show off to a friend of mine that doubted my $25 server could be better than his $60 server. I used world edit to edit in 14,000 blocks of TNT and lit them all off. Then giggled like a madman as half the players watching crashed but the server kept going hardly missing a beat. Now a friend I just got to join a month ago paid for a year up front of the $40 server, supposibly the same specs as the one that mocked 14,000 TNT blocks, struggles to paste in a 14,000 block structure.

    So, I am launching my server again on the 6th. I spend the month of March going "ehh" at the jump in prices, wondering what justifies this. So now I just need to know, what does my extra 40% get me? Or should I just be going with a cheaper service that offers higher specs such as RS seems to? I originally came to Hosthorde because their prices were the lowest on the market. Even though it seemed like a far fetched scheme that they could offer serves as good as the big names as such lower prices but I didn't need a professional grade server, just one for friends. Now RS offers servers for 25% cheaper while at the same time giving 25-100% higher specs.

    What does Hosthorde offer anymore that they don't?
  2. Daniel

    Daniel Active Member
    Staff Member

    May 22, 2014
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    We recently adjusted our prices to be more in line with the current market, as well as to ensure we can continue offering premium hosting services going into the future.

    Although the base monthly price for our unlimited plan is now $39.99, we now offer discounts when paying quarterly and semi-annually, with the prices being $29.99 and $19.99 respectively. Additionally, we're currently offering an extra 15% off the unlimited plan with the promo code UNLIMITED2019. This allows you to obtain our unlimited plan for as little as $16.99/mo when paying annually.

    However, we are also continuing to offer our unlimited plan at grandfathered prices for existing client. As you recently had an active service, we'd be happy to let you order a new server at your existing rate. Simply submit a ticket referencing this forum thread, and we'll help get you set up.

    As for our server performance, we currently use Intel Xeon E5-2687W v2 CPUs in the majority of our servers. As well, we use server-grade hardware across all servers to ensure we can provide stable and reliable services. A good chart for comparing performance of CPUs for Minecraft servers is the PassMark Single Thread Performance benchmark chart. This can be found at https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html

    We take performance seriously, and never overload our servers. This includes all aspects of server performance, such as CPU, RAM, and disk utilization. We monitor all servers for performance issues, and if there is an issue, address it as soon as it becomes known.

    For using WorldEdit with a 14,000 block structure, our servers should be able to easily handle pasting in a structure of that size, if not much larger. I'd recommend making sure your server and plugins are up to date (with the latest version of Paper for Minecraft 1.13.2, and WorldEdit 7.0.0 Beta 5). You may wish to test with a clean server install, to ensure there isn't an issue with your servers configuration or your world. Some tips for addressing performance issues on your server can be found at https://www.hosthorde.com/forums/resources/troubleshooting-lag.74/

    If you do believe there's an issue on our end with your service, you can simply submit a ticket at http://hosthorde.com/support/, and we'll happily look into it for you. Please do include information on all steps you've taken so far for troubleshooting, and include exact steps for reproducing the issue.

    Numerous competitors have come and gone over the years, but we're planning on sticking around, and have a number of exciting new service updates planned for the near future. We provide US based support, are a registered corporation, and don't use "volunteer staff" as seen in a number of other sites.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know. If you do submit a ticket, let me know the ticket number, and I'll personally take a look for you.

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