I'm a big fan of Counter Strike: Source, but I prefer weird maps like surf_greatriver, and various glass maps.
I played CS:GO a bit, but it seemed very unpopular at the time. Nearly every game was filled with bots. Also, it didn't have any of the weird maps I like.
I like Call of Duty, Battlefield 4, and many other first person shooters. OT: I noticed all Staff Members have Maple Story characters , that game is pretty fun too, I remember trying to install it on my computer back in 2007ish and 2006, it always gave me a hardtime, but I finally got it to work, it is overall a pretty fun game.
My favourite game is definitely League of Legends. Been playing it for almost 2 years now, it's more and more fun every single time I play it, and not to brag, but I'm actually really good at it! xD
I play World Of Tanks by WarGaming. Download it at WarGaming.net Lol you probably know by my picture...
Rrrrrrrrrr.... I think I mostly play minecraft but other times I will play war of nations and clash of clans and some other random games I find on the app store but thats about it.